10 october 2024
Hürner Italia successfully contributed to the construction of a new underpass in Arezzo, a strategic project for Ferrovie dello Stato. Our team precisely executed the welding of the ANTICOR polyethylene lining, meeting the client's strict deadlines. Watch our time-lapse to see how we brought this important work to life!
10 september 2024
Hürner Italia stands out for its exceptional customer support, which goes beyond simply managing product-related issues. We don't just sell innovate, high-quality components; we create value by providing ongoing and dedicated support to meet our customers'every need.
10 july 2024
Concrete sewers and ducts for both civil and industrial applications can be trasformed into leak-proof pipes and channels thanks to the application of an internal lining made of ANTICOR Polyethylene. This solution not only prevents soil contamination of groundwater but also protects the concrete itself from corrosion. As a result, the lifespan of such lined pipes is comparable to that of pipes made entirely of thermoplastic material.
10 june 2024
In order to address corrosion problems in industrial plants, pipes made of thermoplastic materials has been used for decades; this also includes areas at risk of explosion, which are technically referred as ATEX-classified.
10 may 2024
Here the intervention of Ing. Lang regarding Hürner Italia Srl activities.
10 may 2024
An important part of Hürner Italia Srl's activity is related to the purification of gaseous waste emitted in industrial processes. As an example of such activity, in the following image is shown a two-stage Scrubber employed to solve the problem of reducing polluting emissions.
10 april 2024
Hürner Italia Srl includes in its extended offer a complete line of pipes and fittings in PVDF-UHP material (ultra high purity quality), up to the ND 300 mm size, and the respective control valves of the ball, diaphragm and check types.
10 march 2024
During the design process of pipeline made of thermoplastic materials (PVC, PP and PE) suited for conveyance of gas from industrial processes, it is always needed to consider the high linear expansion to which the pipe is subjected, providing for the insertion of adequate compensation elements.
10 february 2024
Nowadays, in the field of industrial ventilation for the conveyance of air and processed gases, it is always more common to find application for piping made of plastic materials and its respective components such as fittings, shutters and various other accessories.
10 January 2024
Here the intervention of Ing. Lang regarding Hürner Italia Srl activities.
10 dicember 2023
It is usual practice to insert measuring instruments or sampling nozzles in an industrial processing pipeline. However, sometimes these cannot be inserted if the connection point is not prepared with the appropriate thickness, and moreover it results to be very difficult, if not completely impossible, to make a threaded hole to insert a branch to which a sampling
10 november 2023
The plane seals of a flanged fitting needs to be always well centered in order to not affect the cross-section of the channel. This is not always easy to achieve, as the normal operation for the positioning of such seals is done on sight with visual reference to the external dimension of the support folder.
10 october 2023
The application of PVDF in the realization of pipes for pressure-driven processes has allowed a great evolution of this field in the last few years, particularly thanks to the numerous and remarkable properties of such material, which is today available in two different variants, known as chemical and high purity class (HPC).
10 september 2023
During the installation of processing lines, it often becomes necessary to be able to predict future connections to the pipeline even though the effective connection point results to be still unknown.
10 July 2023
During the installation of PVDF-UHP and PDVF pipeline, the pipe union it’s the element most frequently used for the pipeline division as it is easily wieldable thanks to its large tangs. However, at the time of the installation, it is not always easy to tighten the union lock ring.
PP electrofusion couplers line
10 June 2023
The Hürner Italia Srl wide product range also contains this little known technological gem that covers an important application for industrial plant engineering, allowing easier use in challenging installation conditions.
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